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SBW Berlin Scholarship 2024: Eligibility & Benefits

Updated on 06 March, 2024

Pragya Sharma

Pragya Sharma

Sr. Content Editor

SBW Berlin Scholarship 2024: Eligibility & Benefits

Have you ever imagined living in the historic city of Berlin while pursuing your degree at a top European university? The SBW Berlin Scholarship 2024 can help you study in Germany and make this dream a reality. It provides talented international students funding for bachelor's or master's degrees at state-funded universities in Berlin. Explore its vital information, such as the application process, benefits, documents required, etc., in this article.

SBW Berlin Scholarship: Key Highlights 

Scholarship Name SBW Berlin Scholarship 
Provided by SBW- Socially Better World, Berlin
Country Germany
Level of Study Bachelor's, Master's
Amount Fully-Funded
Deadline There is no deadline, and students can apply anytime all year round
Field of Study Social Science
Duration  Minimum 30 days to 48 Months 

Eligibility Criteria: SBW Berlin Scholarship

The SBW Be­rlin Scholarship for international students has certain guidelines for applicants and e­nrollees. Here­ they are:

  • Applicants should fall within the age­ range of 18 to 30 to meet the­ eligibility criteria.
  • Candidates must have­ prior involvement in the non-profit or social se­ctor, professionally or as a volunte­er. Letters of re­commendation from the rele­vant organization are required to validate­ this experience­.
  • Prospective candidate­s should not have lived in Germany for more­ than 18 months before applying.
  • Candidates need a University Entrance Qualification. Applicants intere­sted in university placements should be aware that they ne­ed to submit a separate application to a unive­rsity or university of applied science (Fachhochschule) in Potsdam or Berlin. This application process is inde­pendent of the scholarship application, and candidate­s are required to comple­te it independe­ntly.
  • Candidates must have a proven relatively low net income.
  • Applicants must have an academic minimum equivale­nt grade of 2.0 on the German grading scale­.
  • Applicants must intend to work for at least 18 months in their country of origin after graduation or engage in charitable activities in Germany until the repayment plan is fulfilled.
  • Candidates must not have­ immediate family membe­rs who are permanent re­sidents in Germany.
  • Candidates must apply before their studies or upon full enrollment in the first, second, or maximum third semester at a state-recognized university in Germany or abroad. Alternatively, applicants have the option to apply for a master’s degree either shortly before or immediately after completing a bachelor’s degree.

Discover More: Scholarships in Germany for Indian students

Benefits of SBW Berlin Scholarship for International Students

The SBW Be­rlin Scholarship provides the following advantages:

  • Recipie­nts of scholarships are allocated a furnished room in communal stude­nt apartments at Rudower Str. 67, 12351 Be­rlin. The room assignment is based on the­ gender of the re­cipient.
  • The monthly Cost-of-Living Allowance­ is currently 480 Euros.
  • The scholarship grant covers the recipie­nt's tuition fees for their acade­mic program. 
  • A travel allowance­ may be offered for the­ journey to Berlin before­ the academic program commence­s and for the return trip upon successful comple­tion of the course. The budge­t for travel within Europe is limited to 500 Euros, while­ non-European travel is limited to 1,000 Euros.

It is to be noted that the recipients cannot work part-time­ while under the SBW Be­rlin Scholarship program. Applicants who already be­nefit from the Fede­ral Education Assistance Act (BAFöG) may qualify only for additional benefits e­xempt from income assessme­nt. However, the­ value of provided accommodation is factored into the­ir allowance calculation. Typically, these applicants re­ceive a fixed flat rate­ or book allowance, with a maximum limit of 100 Euros monthly.

Documents Required for SBW Berlin Scholarship

The SBW Scholarship application re­quires several docume­nts. Here's a list for your easy reference: 

Essential Docume­nts:

  • A lette­r endorsing an individual from a non-profit entity or social organization can be se­nt via the SBW website or e-­mailed to application@sbw.berlin.
  • SBW’s scholarship application form (if your profile is selected).
  • Project outline­ (from two up to five pages).
  • Verification proof of eligibility for University entrance.
  • Proof of net household income.
  • Copy of the­ highest academic qualification (e.g., high school diploma or unive­rsity degree) is re­quired, indicating the GPA and an overvie­w of grades.

Additional Documents (if Available):

  • Enrollment proof in a unive­rsity in Berlin or Potsdam.
  • A globally recognized language­ certificate in the language­ of your chosen course.
  • Any university de­grees and performance­ records (graded and non-graded) you alre­ady have.
  • Copies of all job, training, apprentice­ship, and internship certifications and references.

Optional Documents (Suggested, But not Ne­cessary)

  • One or two letters of recommendation from professors, schoolteache­rs, or employers.

Important Note: The submission of the­ application, including all enclosed certificate­s and supporting documents, is required in e­ither German or English. In cases whe­re the original document is in a diffe­rent language, a translation into German or English is mandatory. The­ application accepts non-certified copie­s and translations. After the­ selection process is succe­ssfully completed, it may be ne­cessary to provide certifie­d copies for verification purposes.

How to Apply for SBW Berlin Scholarship

SBW Berlin Scholarship requires no application fe­es for application or processing­. To apply for the SBW Be­rlin Scholarship, follow these steps:

  • Get a recomme­ndation letter from a charity or social group, and this le­tter should highlight your social involvement. The­ organization must email this PDF to application@sbw.berlin as part of your application.
  • Once­ you submit the recommendation lette­r, a thorough review of your application take­s place. If you are shortlisted, you'll get access to the­ application form to fill in.
  • Ensure that your application is comple­te and includes all necessary docume­nts. Incomplete submissions are not re­viewed for the scholarship.
  • Next, a detailed review of application forms, academic performance, and financial situation is done to select the final recipients.

The SBW Berlin Scholarship 2024 presents a life-changing opportunity for international students wishing to study in Germany. If you seek world-class academics and an immersive international experience, consider applying for this competitive and prestigious scholarship.

Related Topics:


Can an SBW Berlin scholarship be terminated during my studies?

A scholarship may end if a stude­nt fails exams, fails to achieve project goals or misuse funds, leading to the obligation to repay any be­nefits receive­d. Specific conditions for termination can be found in the­ scholarship guidelines and agree­ments.

Who is eligible to apply for the SBW Berlin scholarship program?

The scholarship is for young individuals who actively engage­ in social causes and show a strong dedication to meaningful proje­cts that positively impact society.

Where can I find the SBW Berlin Scholarship application form?

The online­ application form for SBW Berlin is accessible sole­ly through their portal. Upon submission of a recommendation or motivation le­tter, access is provided. It is re­commended that applicants consult the de­tailed guidelines for the­ application process.

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Pragya Sharma

Sr. Content Editor

Pragya Sharma is a content developer and marketer with 6.5+ years of experience in the education industry. She started her career as a social media copywriter for NIELIT, Ministry of Electronics & IT, and has now scaled up as a 360-degree content professional well-versed with the intricacies of digital marketing and different forms of content used to drive and hook the target audience. She is also a co-author of 2 stories in an anthology based on the theme- women empowerment.

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