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Describe Image PTE Task: Practice Tips & Scoring Guide

Updated on 03 September, 2024

Akansha Semwal

Akansha Semwal

Study Abroad Expert

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Describe Image task is a part of the Speaking and Writing section (Part 1) of the PTE Academic test. This section lasts 54–67 minutes and includes seven different question types, making it the longest test section. Candidates are evaluated based on their writing and speaking skills, using English commonly encountered in academic environments. 

Key Highlights 

  • Test-takers will have 25 seconds to study the image. 
  • A short tone will be heard, after which they have to start speaking. 
  • They have to finish speaking before the progress bar ends. The Recording word will change to Completed thereafter. 
  • You will have 40 seconds to answer. 
  • Responses can only be recorded once.

How to Answer PTE Describe Image

The Describe Image task in PTE assesses your ability to describe and interpret visual information, such as graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, and maps. Here are some tips on how to approach and answer the Describe Image task:

1. Understand Image: 

Take a moment to examine the image carefully. Look for key elements such as titles, labels, axes, and any patterns or trends. Also, identify the main subject or subjects of the image.

2. Use 25 seconds Wisely: 

You have 25 seconds to prepare before the recording begins. Use this time to plan your response. Note down key points or keywords that will help you structure your answer.

3. Introduction: 

Start your response with a brief introduction that includes the main subject of the image and its key components.

4. Details & Trends: 

Provide specific details about the information presented in the image. Mention any trends, comparisons, or patterns you observe. Use descriptive language and numbers to support your points.

5. Structuring Your Response: 

Organize your response clearly and logically. Follow the structure of the introduction, main details and conclusion. If the image has multiple parts, systematically address each part.

6. Vocabulary: 

Use a varied and appropriate vocabulary to describe the image. Familiarize yourself with terms commonly used in describing visual data (e.g., increase, decrease, peak, trough, trend, comparison).

7. Practice Pronunciation & Fluency: 

Practice your pronunciation and work on speaking fluently. Clear communication is essential for scoring well.

8. Conclusion: 

Conclude your response by summarizing the main points or trends. Make sure to finish within the given time frame.

Different Types of PTE Describe Images

There are several types of PTE describe image templates that you will find online and can practice if you are planning to give PTE to Study Abroad.

  • Graphs- Line graphs, bar graphs, and image graphs
  • Pie Charts
  • Processes 
  • Maps
  • Tables
  • Diagrams and Figures
  • Photographs

These are some of the describe image PTE templates that you can practice beforehand. 

6 Common Mistakes in PTE Describe Image Task & How to Avoid Them 

When you undertake PTE describe image practice, ensure that you ferret out a few common mistakes and the ways to avoid them. These include the following: 

1)Going umm or urr

Using such fillers is the biggest mistake when describing PTE images. You should avoid it by readying yourself with templates for different types of images. This will help you maintain fluency while speaking. 

2)Grammatical Errors

When discussing any image PTE, avoid grammatical mistakes. Practice beforehand to maintain grammatical correctness even when you do not have any more words to speak on. 

3)Speak at the Right Moment

Many people make the mistake of speaking before the recording starts. Keep your eye on the countdown and the short tone, after which you can begin speaking. Practice speaking just after the 25 seconds (when you can view the image and prepare your response). 

4)Maintain Proper Pitch

Another mistake is not maintaining a suitable pitch. Practice recording your responses and check whether you can be heard without being excessively loud. 

5)Refrain from Repeating Anything or Correcting Yourself

Another mistake to avoid is repeating a word or statement or correcting yourself. Even if you fumble, the trick is to keep speaking and complete your response without any break. 

6)Always Conclude Your Answer

Most test-takers make the mistake of ending without a concluding statement. You should always give a precise and good conclusion for the image. 

PTE Describe Image: Scoring Guide

The score guide for the PTE describe image task is the following: 

  • There are 6-7 items. 
  • Scoring is done through the partial credit method. 
  • Communication skills are assessed. 
  • The traits scored are oral fluency, content, and pronunciation. 
  • 5-Describes all elements of the image and their relationships, possible development, and conclusion or implications. 
  • 4- Describes all the key elements of the image and their relations, referring to their conclusions or implications. 
  • 3-Deals with most key image elements and refer to their implications or conclusions. 
  • 2-Deals with only one key element in the image refer to a conclusion or implication. Shows a basic understanding of several core elements of the image. 
  • 1-Describes some basic image elements but must clarify their implications or interrelations. 
  • 0-Mentions only some disjointed elements of the presentation. 

Several results are denoted by specific numbers in the scoring guide. These include the following:

  1. 5-native-like
  2. 4- advanced
  3. 3-good
  4. 2-intermediate
  5. 1- intrusive
  6. 0-non-English 

PTE Describe Image Sample Answers 

Candidates often have trouble describing the image. That is why, in this section, we have mentioned a few describe image PTE templates and sample answers to help you practice for the speaking test.

Pie Chart 

The pie chart illustrates the grade-wise distribution of institutions accredited by NAAC as of May 19, 2023. 

  • From the chart, it can be inferred that category B, with a CGPA of 2.01-3.0, constitutes the largest segment, representing 65.75% of the total 9,687 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). 
  • Category A, with a CGPA of 3.01-4.0, represents 22.24% of the institutions, while category C, with a CGPA of 1.51-2.0, holds the smallest share at 11.99%. 
  • Specifically, category B includes 174 universities and 6,196 colleges, category A includes 239 universities and 1,916 colleges, and category C includes 17 universities and 1,145 colleges.

The pie chart offers essential insights into the distribution of NAAC-accredited institutions by grade in India. 

Template for Pie Chart in Describe Image 

  • The pie chart displays (TITLE) and (CATEGORIES). 
  • The highest is (NAME OF THE CATEGORY) with (FIGURE), followed by (NAME OF THE CATEGORY) with (FIGURE). 
  • In summary, I can confidently conclude that (TREND/HIGHEST/LOWEST/DIFFERENCE/SIMILARITY).


Image Source: https://www.upgradabroad.com/articles/best-luxury-management-courses/ 

The table displays the top universities offering luxury management programs along with their QS Global MBA Rankings for 2024. 

  • The NYU Stern School of Business in the US holds the 11th rank and offers a Fashion and Luxury MBA. Essec Business School in Europe ranks 29th, providing a Global MBA in Luxury Brand Management. 
  • The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto in Canada is ranked 40th, offering an MBA in Brand Management. 
  • Birmingham Business School at Birmingham City University in the UK is ranked 151-200, offering a postgraduate course in Luxury Brand Management. 
  • Finally, Bologna Business School in Italy is ranked 251+ and offers a Global MBA in Design, Fashion, and Luxury Goods.

In conclusion, this table provides important information about the leading institutions that offer luxury management courses and their respective global rankings.

Template for the Table in Describe Image 

  • The table titled (TITLE) presents information on (TOPIC OF THE TABLE).
  • The table is divided into (NUMBER) categories: (LIST EACH CATEGORY NAME SEPARATED BY COMMAS).
  • Looking at the data, it is evident that (OBSERVATION ABOUT A KEY FINDING OR TREND). For instance, (SPECIFIC EXAMPLE FROM THE TABLE).

5 Tips to Ace PTE Describe Image Task 

Here are the tips to do well in the describe image PTE task: 

  1. Focus on the image's key information or main idea and the details relating to the same. Use the booklet to note these major phrases and ideas that can be used in sentences while speaking. 
  2. Organize your image description with a brief idea of how you will discuss the main aspect, related details, and conclusions/implications.
  3. Practice speaking fluently and effortlessly without rushing or being inaudible.
  4. Refrain from correcting yourself, and keep speaking without any pauses.
  5. Practice pronouncing words in the right manner while focusing on stress and intonation.
  6. Maintain a calm and confident demeanor during the task. 
  7.  Familiarize yourself with different formats and structures of visual information by practicing various types of images regularly.

Get Ready to Ace PTE Describe Image Task

To succeed in the PTE Describe Image task, prioritize understanding the image's core details and effectively structuring your response. Focus on fluency, clear pronunciation, and maintaining a confident pace. Avoid interruptions or corrections during your presentation. Practice diverse visual formats to enhance your familiarity and adaptability. By mastering these strategies, you can confidently deliver insightful analyses and achieve optimal scores in this section of the PTE Academic test.


How do you describe an image in the PTE test?

You should describe the image by mentioning its core points or aspects, followed by interrelationships with other elements. You should also speak about any implications or conclusions. There are no set rules for the type of image, which can be anything from a diagram to a photograph or a map. 

How do I pass my PTE examination?

You can pass your PTE examination only by practicing regularly. You should practice summarizing spoken content, answering multiple-choice questions, reading aloud, and repeating sentence tasks. Practice filling in the blanks, re-ordering paragraph tasks, summarizing written text, and writing essays. 

How much time is allotted for the PTE Describe Image task?

Test-takers have 25 seconds to prepare and organize their thoughts before the microphone is switched on and 40 seconds to speak about the image.

How many types of images are there in PTE?

There are various types of describe image in the PTE test. Some of the most common PTE-described image types include pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, tables, maps, flowcharts & diagrams, timetables, floor plans, Venn diagrams, pictures (photos), and more.

How to explain a diagram in PTE?

You can follow the basic structure to explain PTE describe image. Firstly, start with the introduction and briefly state what the diagram represents. Secondly, describe the key elements of the diagram and their interactions. Thirdly, if the diagram shows a process or flow, describe the steps involved and the direction of the flow. Finally, briefly summarize the overall purpose or message of the diagram.

What is the best template to describe an image in PTE?

Generally, describe image PTE templates for different types of visuals can help you organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all the essential points within the time limit. The common template starts with the introduction. Briefly summarize the main trends or features. Then, describe specific data points or comparisons. Finally, summarize the main findings or trends.

What is the describe image test?

The describe image test is part of the speaking section in the PTE exam. It assesses your ability to describe visual information clearly, concisely, and accurately. You will be shown an image and have about 25 seconds to prepare before speaking about it for 40 seconds.

Akansha Semwal

Study Abroad Expert

Akansha Semwal is a content marketer at upGrad and has also worked as a social media marketer & sub-editor. Experienced in creating impressive Statement of Purpose, Essays, and LOR, she knows how to captivate the attention of Admissions Committee. Her research-driven;study-abroad articles helps aspirants to make the prudent decision. She holds a bachelor's & master's degree in Literature from the University of Delhi.

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