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Australia's Lost Giants IELTS Reading Answers

Updated on 31 July, 2024

Sunita Kadian

Sunita Kadian

IELTS Expert

The best way to ace the IELTS reading examinations is to solve several sample passages. Utilize the Australia’s Lost Giants reading answers to develop your comprehension skills and prepare for the exam.

Australia’s Lost Giants

What happened to Australia's megafauna, the giant animals that once existed across this enormous continent?


In 1969, a fossil hunter named Rod Wells came to Naracoorte in South Australia to explore what was then known as Victoria Cave. Wells clawed through narrow passages, and eventually into a huge chamber. Its floor of red soil was littered with strange objects. It took Wells a moment to realize what he was looking at: the bones of thousands of creatures that must have fallen through holes in the ground above and become trapped. Some of the oldest belonged to mammals far larger than any found today in Australia. They were the ancient Australian megafauna - huge animals of the Pleistocene epoch. In boneyards across the continent, scientists have found the fossils of a giant snake, a huge flightless bird, and a seven foot kangaroo, to name but a few. Given how much ink has been spilled on the extinction of the dinosaurs, it's a wonder that even more hasn't been devoted to megafauna. Prehistoric humans never threw spears at Tyrannosaurus rex but really did hunt mammoths and mastodons.


The disappearance of megafauna in America - mammoths, saber-toothed cats, giant sloths, among others - happened relatively soon after the arrival of human beings, about 13,000 years ago. In the 1960s, paleoecologist Paul Martin developed what became known as the blitzkrieg hypothesis. Modern humans, Martin said, created havoc as they spread through the Americas, wielding spears to annihilate animals that had never faced a technological predator. But this period of extinction wasn't comprehensive. North America kept its deer, black bears and a small type of bison, and South America its jaguars and llamas.

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What happened to Australia's large animals is baffling. For years scientists blamed the extinctions on climate change. Indeed, Australia has been drying out for over a million years, and the megafauna were faced with a continent where vegetation began to disappear. Australian paleontologist Tim Flannery suggests that people, who arrived on the continent around 50,000 years ago, used fire to hunt, which led to deforestation. Something dramatic happened to Australia's dominant land creatures - somewhere around 46,000 years ago, strikingly soon after the invasion of a tool-wielding, highly intelligent predator. In Flannery's 1994 book called The Future Eaters, he sets out his thesis that human beings are a new kind of animal on the planet, and are in general, one prone to ruining ecosystems. Flannery's book proved highly controversial. Some viewed it as critical of the Aborigines, who pride themselves on living in harmony with nature. The more basic problem with Flannery's thesis is that there is no direct evidence that they killed any Australian megafauna. It would be helpful if someone uncovered a Diprotodon skeleton with a spear point embedded in a rib - or perhaps Thylacoleo bones next to the charcoal of a human campfire. Such kill sites have been found in the Americas but not in Australia.


The debate about megafauna pivots to a great degree on the techniques for dating old bones and the sediments in which they are buried. If scientists can show that the megafauna died out fairly quickly and that this extinction event happened within a few hundred, or even a couple thousand years, of the arrival of people, that's a strong case - even if a purely circumstantial one - that the one thing was the direct result of the other. As it happens, there is one place where there may be such evidence: Cuddie Springs in New South Wales. Today the person most vocal about the site is archeologist Judith Field. In 1991, she discovered megafauna bones directly adjacent to stone tools - a headlinemaking find. She says there are two layers showing the association, one about 30,000 years old, the other 35,000 years old. If that dating is accurate, it would mean humans and megafauna coexisted in Australia for something like 20,000 years. "What Cuddie Springs demonstrates is that you have an extended overlap of humans and megafauna," Field says. Nonsense, say her critics. They say the fossils have been moved from their original resting places and redeposited in younger sediments.

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Another famous boneyard in the same region is a place called Wellington Caves, where Diprotodon, the largest known marsupial - an animal which carries its young in a pouch like kangaroos and koalas - was first discovered. Scientist Mike Augee says that: "This is a sacred site in Australian paleontology." Here's why: In 1830 a local official named George Rankin lowered himself into the cave on a rope tied to a protrusion in the cave wall. The protrusion turned out to be a bone. A surveyor named Thomas Mitchell arrived later that year, explored the caves in the area, and shipped fossils off to Richard Owen, the British paleontologist who later gained fame for revealing the existence of dinosaurs. Owen recognized that the Wellington cave bones belonged to an extinct marsupial. Later, between 1909 and 1915 sediments in Mammoth Cave that contained fossils were hauled out and examined in a chaotic manner that no scientist today would approve. Still, one bone in particular has drawn extensive attention: a femur with a cut in it, possibly left there by a sharp tool.


Unfortunately, the Earth preserves its history haphazardly. Bones disintegrate, the land erodes, the climate changes, forests come and go, rivers change their course - and history, if not destroyed, is steadily concealed. By necessity, narratives are constructed from limited data. Australia's first people expressed themselves in rock art. Paleontologist Peter Murray has studied a rock painting in far northern Australia that shows what looks very much like a megafauna marsupial known as Palorchestes. In Western Australia another site shows what appears to be a hunter with either a marsupial lion or a Tasmanian tiger - a major distinction, since the marsupial lion went extinct and the much smaller Tasmanian tiger survived into the more recent historical era. But as Murray says, "Every step of the way involves interpretation. The data doesn't just speak for itself."

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Questions 1 - 5 

The text above has six paragraphs, A-F. Read them carefully to determine which paragraphs contain the following information. 

Every question has only one answer, but you may use any of the letters A-F for more than one question. Circle the correct letters in your answer sheet.

Guidelines/Tip for Answering These Types of Questions: Candidates need to read through the text and then choose the correct answer.

1 descriptions of naturally occurring events that make the past hard to trace

2 an account of the discovery of a particular animal which had died out

3 the reason why a variety of animals all died in the same small area

4 the suggestion that a procedure to uncover fossilised secrets was inappropriate

5 examples of the kinds of animals that did not die out as a result of hunting

Questions Answers Explanations
1 F Paragraph F of the reading passage Australia’s Lost Giants explains that bones decompose, the land corrodes, the climate continuously transforms, forests appear and disappear, rivers divert their flow, and history is constantly hidden, if not destroyed.
2 E Paragraph E describes a well-known graveyard called Wellington Caves in the same region. An animal called the Diprotodon, which is the largest known marsupial, and carries its young in a pouch like kangaroos and koalas, was first discovered in the Wellington Caves.
3 A Paragraph A illustrates how Rod Wells discovered the bones of thousands of creatures trapped in the Victoria cave. He came to the conclusion that they must have died from falling through the holes in the ground above.
4 E Paragraph E states that the sediments in Mammoth Cave filled with fossils were extracted and evaluated between 1909 and 1915, using methods that no scientist today would approve of.
5 B Paragraph B of the reading passage Australia’s Lost Giants explains that the period of extinction in the 1960s somehow left some animals such as deer, black bears and a small type of bison in North America, and the jaguars and llamas in South America unaffected by hunting practices.

Questions 6 - 7

For questions 6 - 7 choose the correct answer A, B or C. Circle the correct

letter in your answer sheet. 

Guidelines/Tip for Answering These Types of Questions: Candidates need to read through the text and then choose the correct option.

6. Judith Field claims that

A she made a great discovery in 1991.

B she found fossil remains of giant animals in layers of sediments very close to those

which had stone tools in them.

C she was most vocal about Cuddie Springs in South New Wales as an important

archeological site.

7. Judith Field's opponents claim that

A the fossils of some younger animals were found in Cuddie Springs.

B there was long co-existence of humans and megafauna.

C the layers where fossils were found had been displaced.

Questions Answers Explanations
6 B

Paragraph D states that In 1991, Judith Field discovered megafauna bones right adjacent to stone tools, which grabbed the headlines of many newspapers. 

7 C

Paragraph D of the reading passage explains that Judith Field’s critics disagreed and said that fossils have been shifted from their original resting places and redeposited in younger sediments.




Question 8-9

Which TWO of these possible reasons for Australian megafauna extinction are

mentioned in the text? Choose TWO letters from A-E for question 8.

Guidelines/Tip for Answering These Types of Questions: Candidates need to read through the text and then choose the correct options.

A human activity

B disease

C loss of habitat

D a drop in temperature

E the introduction of new animal species

Question 9

The list below shows possible forms of proof for humans having contact with

Australian megafauna. Which TWO possible forms of proof does the writer say

have been found in Australia? Choose TWO letters from A-E for question 9.

Guidelines/Tip for Answering These Types of Questions: Candidates need to read through the text and then choose the correct options.

A bone injury caused by a man-made object

B bones near to early types of weapons

C man-made holes designed for trapping animals

D preserved images of megafauna species

E animal remains at camp fires.

Questions Answers Explanations
8 A, C

In paragraph C we can see that the megafauna had to deal with the disappearance of vegetation (loss of habitat) in the continent. According to Australian palaeontologist Tim Flannery, the ancestors who arrived on the continent around 50,000 years ago caused deforestation because of their hunting practices.

9 A, D

Paragraphs E and F of ‘Australia’s Lost Giants’ state that one bone, in particular, has drawn much attention: a femur with a cut in it, possibly made by a sharp tool.

Australia's first people used rock art to express themselves. Palaeontologist Peter Murray has studied a rock painting called Palorchestes, in far northern Australia that is similar to a  megafauna marsupial. 


Questions (10-13)

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?


TRUE                  if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE                if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN       if there is no information on this

Guidelines/Tip for Answering These Types of Questions: Candidates need to read through the text and then choose if the statements are True, False, or Not Given.

10 Extinct megafauna should receive more attention than the extinction of the dinosaurs.

11 There are problems with Paul Martin's 'blitzkrieg' hypothesis for the Americas.

12 The Aborigines should have found a more effective way to protest about Flannery's


13 There is sufficient evidence to support Tim Flannery's ideas about megafauna


Questions Answers Explanations
10 True

True. Paragraph A of the reading passage states that given the various records of dinosaur extinction, it's strange that more information and research has not been devoted to megafauna.

11 Not given Has not been mentioned anywhere in the passage
12 Not given Has not been mentioned anywhere in the passage
13 False False as paragraph C of the reading passage Australia’s Lost Giants states that the primary issue with Flannery's thesis is that it doesn’t prove that any Australian megafauna was killed.

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Sunita Kadian

IELTS Expert

Sunita Kadian, co-founder and Academic Head at Yuno Learning is an expert in IELTS and English communication. With a background in competitive exam preparation (IELTS, GMAT, CAT, TOEFL), interview prep, and corporate soft skills training, she has adapted these programs for the Yuno platform. Her dedication and commitment earned high praise from students, especially for her public speaking and advanced speaking English courses. Sunita's mastery of language nuances and articulation makes her a favorite among IELTS students. She holds a Postgraduate degree in English Literature, a B.Ed., and a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Relations.

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