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CSF Full Form- Cerebrospinal Fluid

Updated on 21 February, 2024

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad abroad Editorial Team

What is CSF? The full form of CSF is Cerebrospinal Fluid. The ultrafiltrate of plasma found in the brain's ventricles as well as the subarachnoid spaces of the skull and spine is known as cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF. It carries out essential tasks such as protecting the brain, eliminating waste, and supplying nutrition. 

An adult's CSF volume is believed to be 150 ml, of which 25 ml is found inside the ventricles and 125 ml is distributed among the subarachnoid regions. The choroid plexus secretes CSF primarily; the function of other sources is less clear. Its secretion in the adult demographic varies from person to person, often between 400 and 600 ml daily. 

The average young adult experiences complete CSF regeneration four to five times per 24-hour period due to the continual release of CSF. The buildup of metabolites associated with aging and neurological disorders may be facilitated by a decrease in CSF turnover. 

The CSF's' composition is tightly controlled, and any deviation from the norm may be helpful in terms of diagnosis. The choroid plexus (CP), a network of altered ependymal cells, is responsible for 70–80% of CSF production. 

The CP is a highly specialized, simple, cuboidal epithelium that lines the brain's ventricles and is continuous with ependymal cells. Plasma filtration is made possible by the fenestrated capillary clusters encircled by this straightforward cuboidal epithelium. Dense microvilli are seen on the apical surface of CP cells. Tight junctions link them, forming a blood-CSF barrier that aids in regulating the CSF's composition.

The Function and Mechanism of CSF

CSF helps the brain by protecting it, nourishing it, and eliminating waste. Through two different methods, CSF protects the neuroaxis hydromechanically. Initially, CSF cushions the brain against the skull by serving as a shock absorber. 

Second, the CSF makes the brain and spinal cord pliable, resulting in a significant reduction in the brain's effective weight from 1,500 grams to about 50 grams. When there is a mechanical injury, the force delivered to the brain parenchyma and cerebral arteries is reduced due to the drop in weight. The maintenance of the brain's interstitial fluid's equilibrium is one of CSF's other roles. Normal neuronal function requires the brain parenchyma to have a steady environment. 

The major conduit of nutrient supply to the brain is the CP-CSF-ECSB nexus. Substrates needed by the brain are transported from the blood, through the CP, into the CSF, and then diffuse into the ECSB for transportation to their sites of action within the brain. CSF also assists in the removal of brain metabolism waste products, such as peroxidation products, glycosylated proteins, excess neurotransmitters, debris from the lining of the ventricles, bacteria, viruses, and otherwise unnecessary molecules. 

The accumulation of such unnecessary molecules, seen in aging and some neurodegenerative diseases, interferes with the neuronal functioning of the brain. The disruption of cerebral physiology experienced with the disruption of the hydrodynamics or composition of CSF suggests the importance of CSF functioning.

The brain's ventricles contain CPs that exude CSF, with the two lateral ventricles being the main source. CSF moves from rostral to caudal in a unidirectional fashion across the ventricular system. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) generated in the lateral ventricles enters the subarachnoid space at the base of the brain by the median aperture, also called the foramen of Magendie, and passes through the cerebral aqueduct to reach the third ventricle. 

The CSF has a mild multidirectional flow as it enters the subarachnoid space, which equalizes the composition of the CSF. While in the subarachnoid space, the CSF travels down the spinal cord's length and over the surface of the brain. Via arachnoid villi, which are present throughout the superior sagittal venous sinus, intracranial venous sinuses, and around the roots of spinal nerves, it exits the subarachnoid space.

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